Donate to Santa Rosa High School Foundation

History of SRHSF

The Santa Rosa High School Foundation was established in 1988 as a non-profit 501c3 public benefit corporation. Members includes 800 graduates, faculty, staff & friends of the school who share a common commitment of support to the student activities and education goals.

The primary objectives and purposes of this corporation is to serve as a charitable organization which unites SRHS graduates, parents of current & past students, faculty, staff and interested community members for:

• Preserving and documenting the history and traditions of Santa Rosa High School

• Providing financial support to the school

• Promoting community involvement

The Foundation is managed by a maximum of 25 Board of Directors. Directors serve without compensation and are elected to serve a 3 year term. This support network is key to the success of this Foundation which has been acknowledged locally, statewide and nationally.

SRHS Foundation Activities

Student Recognition Programs

The Foundation’s recognition of gift cards for students who have demonstrated progress in the educational and personal lives.

Academic Enhancement Program

Throughout the school year, the Foundation grants requests made by administration, faculty, students and school organizations to fund projects the existing budget cannot. Grants have included books, audio-visual teaching aids, faculty and counseling conferences, athletic uniforms and equipment, science instruments, computers and software, agriculture and auto shop equipment, athletic field improvements, transportation, dance and cheerleading support, campus beautification, and numerous other projects.

Alumni Support

The Foundation also serves as an alumni association and sponsors events of interest to SRHS graduates and friends. The annual Polenta Feed has become the social event of the year, attended by over 600 Panthers over a wide range of years. In 2006, the Foundation participated in the program to recognize the 26 SRHS students interred in 1942 because of their Japanese heritage. Yearly, the Foundation conducts informative and entertaining tours of the remodeled campus. Join Us!

Once a Panther, Always a Panther!