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Class of 1939 ~ Santa Rosa High School

Renunion Info

Reunion info not curently available.

Reunion Coordinators

Class Lists

Allen, Lee
Anderson, Esther
Anderson, Martin
Andreason, Archie
Antonioli, Edith
Asien, Kenneth
Babcock, Kenneth
Bacon, Milton
Baldwin, Leleland
Banks, Sheldon
Barber, June
Barr, Maybelle
Bartlow, Edward
Beal, Robert
Beattie, Viviette
Bergquist, Robert
Bergquist, Tjepdpre
Bernardi, Frank
Bertoli, Frances
Biagi, Albert
Bianchi, Olga
Bisordi, Meda
Bohnet, Beth
Bohnet, Celeste
Bonham, Evelyn
Boyt, Frank
Bridges, Delaine
Britt, Willard
Brown, Harold
Burini, Also
Burkard, Kacl
Cantrell, Joe
Caselli, LaMar
Caviglia, Alfred
Cerri, Alice
Chapman, Joyce Elwin
Chickenoff, Johnny
Chrestianson, Howard F.
Christian, Harry
Churchman, Lee
Cia, Milton
Cicala, Bill
Cittoni, Clement
Clark, Bob
Clark, George
Cleaveland, Elaine
Comstock, Margaret
Comstock, Roxie
Cook, Marjorie
Cooney, Ed
Cooney, Paul
Covington, Dorothy
Dadd, Robert
Daniels, Lawrence
Degner, Charlotte
Dil, Gertrude
Diperno, Frank C.
Dodge, Dave
Dorman, Norman
Dove, Wilma
Duggan, Joe
Dugie, Charles
Duruye, Tsuguey
Ecklund, Kenneth
Fessler, Luther
Fleck, Erwin
Foster, Blanche
Freese, Fred
Frey, Albert
Gaddis, Helen
Gaspari, Elsie
Giblin, George
Giovanetti, Charles
Gleason, Leland
Goff, Claude
Graves, Madelyn
Guenza, Alfred
Guisti, Dominic
Haskett, Philip
Hatch, Fred
Healey, Betty
Henderson, Robert
Hezmalhalch, Dave
Hoffler, Bpb
Holst, Frank
Hudson, Peggy
Hughes, William
Jackson, Alta
Johnson, Bob
Johnson, Catherine
Johnson, Ruth E.
Johnson, Ruth H.
Kellar, Jack
Kellar, Patricia
Kidwell, James
King, Grant
King, Robert
Kruse, Charles La Valley, Virginia
Laginarsino, Lionel
Lago-Marsino, Betty
Larsen, Helen
Laumann, Katherine
Lawson, Vincent
Lindau, Verona
Lockhart, Esther
Lombos, Dan
Lovejoy, Geraldine
Lowe, Sally
Lyman, Frank
Maehler, Zelda
Marsh, John
Martin, Betty
Martin, Marion
Mattos, Arthur
Maxwell, Alice
Maxwell, Stanley
McClosky, Jack
McHugh, Gloria
McNeil, Bill
Memeo, Stanley
Meyer, William
Meyers, June
Michelson, Marjorie
Mills, Rosemarie
Molinari, Paul
Moneymaker, James
Moneymaker, William
Moore, June
Mundkowski, Robert
Murakami, Fuji
Murakami, Sayeko
Murray, Albert
Myrick, Richard
Nagasa, Masazumi
Narduzzi, Beppi
Nash, Vernon
Nelson, Harold
Nickelson, Robert
Norris, Helen
Oslund, Robert
Otte, Lucille
Palmer, Dorothy
Patchett, Marion
Paul, Thomas
Pezzi, Anthony
Picinini, Al
Plamondon, Yvonne
Pool, Theron
Pucci, Nellie
Rathbone, Robert
Rippert, Charles
Roberts, Leland
Rose, Vernon
Ross, Jean
Rugalo, Edith
Salle, Paul
Santarini, Ray
Schmidt, Heidi
Schreiber, Jayne
Seamon, Herbert
Seaton, Richard
Shurson, George
Simonini, Narcekkube
Sloat, Charles
Small, Alice
Smith, Ed
Solari, Agnes
Specola, Leo
Steele, Leone
Stewart, Eugene
Stone, Newell
Stromberg, Veva
Stromer, Verna
Strout, Stanley
Svrcel, Lydia
Sylvia, Geraldine
Thole, Edward
Thomas, Wendall
Towle, Jeanne
Tozer, Edward
Tuttle, Janie
Tway, Dorothy
Violetti, Jane
Vitali, Joe
Waggoner, Betty
Wall, Syd
Wallace, Ann
Ware, Richard
Wheelock, Kent
Whitehead, Ray
Whitney, Evelyn
Wightman, Helen
Wilford, Severa
Williamson, Ellamae
Wilson, Bill
Wood, Martha
Wood, Maysel
Wright, Joe
Yanglin, Barbara
Young, Dorothy
Young, Lois
Youngman, Genevieve
Zumwalt, Alberta

Yearbook Scans