Donate to Santa Rosa High School Foundation

Don’t miss the 2025 Polenta Feed

Image of past polenta feed with tables and guests sitting down

The Polenta Feed cannot be missed! Not only is the polenta fantastic but it has become the social event of the year for many SRHS Foundation members, alumni, and friends.

See the Polenta Feed Event Gallery HERE.

To order tickets, please call the Pandy Line at (707)-571-7747 and leave your name and phone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

For safety reasons we have reduced the size of the event from 650 people to 450 people.

Tickets will go on sale for members on January 15 for the Foundation’s Annual Polenta Feed.
No-host cocktails will be available at 5:30 pm, and dinner will be served at 7:00 pm.

Foundation MEMBERS receive first priority to purchase, and they may order up to two tickets per member.  Leave your name and telephone number on the PANDY Line, and your call will be returned the following day.

Because tickets to this popular event sell so quickly, there will be no waiting list. Foundation members are urged to call the Pandy line (707-571-7747).  

Event Details

Date: Friday, April 25, 2024

Time: 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM (No-host cocktails will be available at 5:30 pm, and dinner will be served at 7:00 pm.)

Place: Veteran’s Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95404

» Driving Directions

Cost: $45 per person for members and $50 per person for non Foundation members

Not yet a member of the Foundation?  Join today and reserve your tickets while they last!

After March 1st, tickets will be sold on a first-come, first served basis to all supporters of SRHS.

This is a great way to support the students and programs at SRHS. 

There will be a Live Auction, Silent Auction, Raffle, & the 50/50 Raffle will support Athletic Programs at SRHS!

Remember… Once a Panther, Always a Panther!