Donate to Santa Rosa High School Foundation

Planned Giving

Planned Giving

You can support the SRHS Foundation by arranging for a gift through a trust, bequest or other planned giving options.

The SRHS Foundation is in the process of establishing a Legacy Society as part of a more formal Planned Giving Program. In the interim, the Foundation believes the following information might be helpful to you as you develop your own estate plan.

We always recommend that you carefully review the terms of your trust and will with a legal professional trained in handling trusts and estate planning.

Charitable Bequests

Charitable Bequests are simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization through your last will and testament. There are different kinds of bequests. For each, you must use very specific language to indicate the precise direction of your assets, and to successfully carry out your final wishes.  Below, we have listed some of the more common kinds of bequests.

General Bequests

General Bequests are legacies left to certain people or causes that come from the general value of the estate, and are made by designating a specific dollar amount, a particular asset or a fixed percentage of your estate to the cause of your choice.

Special Bequests

Special Bequests are made when a particular item or property is bequeathed for a designated purpose. Examples would include instruments bequeathed to the local school for use in music education or dollar amount to be used in the operation of a school or church.

Residuary Bequests

Residuary Bequests are made when you intend to leave the residue portion of your assets after other terms of the will have been satisfied.

Contingency Bequests

Contingency Bequests allow you to leave a portion of your estate to a particular charity if your named beneficiary does not survive you.

How to Ensure your Wishes are Granted

Without a will, there is no mechanism in place to make a bequest, so here are the steps you should take to make sure your wishes are granted.

Make a list of the organizations or causes that you would like to support

Make a detailed list of your assets (financial, real estate, vehicles, jewelry, collectibles, musical instruments, etc.)

Set up an appointment with your legal professional to help guide you through the process


Call the SRHSF Pandy Line at (707) 571-7747 or email us at  We will return your call or email promptly.

Once a Panther, Always a Panther!